AUMI Instruments

AUMI 2.1 and later versions allows you to easily import user instruments in a simple package.

To install an instrument from this collection, simply click on the name of the instrument in the following lists. If you are reading this on an iOS device that has AUMI intalled on it, AUMI will launch and load the instrument into the "User Instrument" sections of the Instruments list. This will also work if you are running the iOS app on a MacOS system, which some newer Macs can do!
The sounds will be available as percussive, loop, and relative instruments, and if following the proper naming conventions, melodic instruments as well. This page can be bookmarked, and it even provides an icon if you save it as a bookmark using "Add to Home Screen" in the sharing menu.
AUMI 2.2 and later versions provides access to this list from inside AUMI itself, as the "More" button on the instrument screen. !
An AUMI Instrument (aumiinst) is a directory of sound files, compressed with the Unix tools tar and gzip. On Unix-like systems, this would be:
tar -vczf "NewInst.aumiinst" "NewInstDir".
Under Mac OS, this can also be accomplished by making a directory of sound files and then choosing Compress from the right-click menu.
The .zip file should then be renamed to .aumiinst as its file name extension.

This makes it much easier to bring in special sets of sounds to a group of AUMI users.
If the sound file names end in a number between 36 and 96 , e.g. piano_48.mp3, that's taken to be the MIDI note number it corresponds to, and will be considered a melodic user instrument. If you don't want you sounds to be considered melodic, but you still would like to number them, try starting the numbers from 100 rather than 0 or 1!

While this collection is hosted here, there's nothing stopping you from hosting your own collection of AUMI instruments on a web page you control. Simply use the URL scheme aumiinst:// instead of http:// or https:// when setting up the link. AUMI Instruments can also be installed by dropping them into AUMI via the Files app, or using a Mac Desktop's access to an iOS device's files, or even texted or mailed to a device!

Here is a list of AUMI Instruments that are now available.



You may want to delete an AUMI Instrument, to save space, for example. In the Instrument control screen, whenever you select a user instrument, a Delete Instrument button appears. Tap it, confirm , and the instrument will be removed. The current instrument will change to the Piano.

You can also delete individual sounds from an imported AUMI Instrument. To do that, select it as a User Percussion instrument, open the Sounds page, and select the sounds in that instrument and use the "delete" button to delete them. If you select ALL the sounds, it will also delete the AUMI Instrument itself. You can re-import it at any time later. Saving this instrument with its re-ordered and edited list of sounds is possible when you save it as a Setup.

Here are some setups that should be able to be loaded

Built in Instruments

User Instruments

Remember that if you share that Setup, the device receiving it has to also have the same AUMI Instrument installed, although in some cases it can ask the device to download it if the sending device can tell where the AUMI Instrument came from. That is, it can't tell if it was installed by hand or emailed in.

If you are experiencing technical issues with AUMI, please contact for assistance. Similarly, if you have an AUMI Instrument you'd like to share with the rest of the AUMI community, send it to us